What is the Presidential Volunteer Service Award?
The President’s Volunteer Service Award was founded in 2003 to recognize the important role of volunteers in our nation’s communities. This award honors individuals who positively impact communities by their volunteer service and also inspire those around them to take action, too.
Who can earn the awards?
You must be a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder). You must also complete the required volunteer hours for your age under the supervision of a qualifying organization such as MakingFriends Youth Squad®. Children under 5 years of age are not eligible.
How do I get my hours certified by Youth Squad®?
You must be a member during the time you perform your service hours. As a member, you’ll receive a kit that includes a time-tracking log to monitor your progress. When an award level is reached mail, email or fax a copy of the log.
How many hours do I need?
It is determined by your age at the time of service. See the chart below. The age category is determined by the age you are for 7 months within the service year. For example; if you are 16 for 7 months within the year in question, you would be within the 16-25 age group.

What is a service year?
Your year of service begins when you sign up as a Youth Squad® member.
Can I apply past volunteer hours to my service year?
No. Youth Squad® can only certify hours earned while you are an active member.
Can I get an extension on the service year to complete my hours?
No. Youth Squad® can only certify hours earned during that membership year.
What is considered volunteer service?
Unpaid work that benefits others not including your family qualifies as volunteer service. Youth Squad® has 20 service sections to choose from. You can perform all your community service hours on one project. You can also choose focus on one section or do a variety of smaller projects within multiple sections.
Is there any type of volunteer work that doesn’t qualify?
– Donating funds
– Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
– Religious instruction
– Conducting worship service
– Proselytizing
– Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
– Serving only family members
Why does the above volunteer work not qualify?
These are the guidelines determined by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation.
Can the volunteer work I do with my church, scout troop or other volunteer hours qualify?
Yes, as long as you are following the Youth Squad® requirements. Our Patch Program® requirements are based on a progression of service learning activities. They are very customizable so any volunteer project will fit into one of our programs.
Do other organizations’ patch programs qualify?
No. Youth Squad® only recognizes our service program to qualify. Patch Program® is a registered trademark of MakingFriends®.com, inc. Other organizations such as your school, church or scouts may be able to certify other programs.
Do I have to become a member to use your Patch Program®?
No. All our material is free to everyone. Becoming a member gives you extra perks:
Folder for your documents
Welcome letter
Customized membership card
Plastic pouch and lanyard to hold your card
Details about earning the Presidential Service Award
Embroidered Youth Squad® Patch
Time Log Tracking Sheet
15% off all Youth Squad® products including patches
Do I have to pay for my award pins?
No. Active members can receive up to three awards per service year.
Can I earn your patches while working toward my President’s Volunteer Service Awards?
Absolutely! Our Patch Programs® were designed to help facilitate community service projects. All you have to do is follow the requirements and keep track of your hours, in order to earn both the patches and the awards.
Where can I find out more about the Presidential Volunteer Service Award?
isit their website at https://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov/eligibility#volunteers