In order for your troop to complete their Girl Scout* community service project or be able to take a life changing trip, you may need to organize money earning activities for funding. Before you get started, it’s important to know the Girl Scout* policy for raising money.
Girl Scouts* are not allowed to fundraise. In particular, they cannot raise funds for other organizations as Girl Scouts*. They can however, make donations to other organizations out of troop funds. They also cannot do product sales for other brands such as Tupperware or Mary Kay. However, a parent can donate their proceeds from the sale of these products to the troop.
Fundraising activities such as raffles and other games of chance are prohibited. The emphasis is intended to be on money-earning activities rather than product sales. Of course, your local council should approve any fundraising ideas before you get started.
Getting Started
First of all, you will need a basic budget. For example, if you are planning an overnight trip to a dude ranch, you need a budget for your room, food, and transportation. On the other hand, if you need money for a mural your troop wants to paint for your school, you will need to research prices for paint supplies. Once you have your budget there are a variety ways for Girl Scouts* or any community group to raise money.
Donations are a great way to fund smaller take action projects.
- First, your troop should let your community know you need donations. Some ways to make others aware you are collecting money for a project are: make a flyer, get approval for an announcement at school, send out emails to family and friends, with an adult you can visit local businesses or neighbors and ask for their support. In addition, some businesses may let you put out a collection jar.
Girl Scouts* Sales
Girl Scouts* Product Sales allows the troop to earn rebates based on a percentage of the price per product sold.
- To begin, there are two separate sales each year. Troops sell nuts, candy, and magazines usually from September through November. The Girl Scouts* cookie sale that most people are familiar with runs from often running from mid-December through early May.
- Furthermore, girls can sell products many ways. They sell individually, as a booth sale (individual or troop table sale at a business), or as a walk about sales (individual or troop moving through an area or event).
- Most importantly because of these sales the troop earns cash rebates. These earnings can be used to fund a take action project at the end of a Girl Scout JOURNEY* or even a troop trip.

Money Earning Activities
- Food sales are fast money makers. Girls can prepare sandwiches, bake goods or even refreshing drinks to sell. Furthermore, if you have an inexpensive space a spaghetti dinner is a good money earning activity. In short, even when serving meatballs, spaghetti is an inexpensive and tasty option .
- Troop collection books sales are a great way to highlight your troop’s talents to make money. For instance, you can collect original artwork, short stories or recipes then sell the collection to earn funds.
- Car washes do extremely well in the summer. This activity is inexpensive but additionally, you may be able to get soap and sponges donated by a local business.
- Hosting Girl Scouts JOURNEY* in a Day or badge earning opportunity for other scouts in your service unit are great ways to earn money. Your troop will certainly learn a lot by helping younger girls complete their activity.
Try one or all of the suggested money earning activities. In short, they will help your troop to earn the funds they need for trips or community projects.
* and MakingFriends®.com are not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.