If you’re a Cub Scout leader or a proud parent of a Scout, seeing the boys do their part to service the community is not only heartwarming but also helpful to those around them. If you’re looking for new service project ideas for the kids to do to make a dent and a difference, these community service volunteering opportunities will suit their energetic enthusiasm perfectly. Doing something active and exciting will get the boys pumped up and ready to roll. And with that Cub Scout mentality, every effort will be executed with determination and dedication.
Tree Planting
The environment needs our help more than ever. By planting trees, the scouts can do their share in replenishing the Earth’s natural habitat, counteracting human destruction. The activity takes stamina which is something young scouts can supply. As they dig the dirt and plant the seeds of what tomorrow will bring, they will realize how their small service will bring about big change for generations to come. They can come back to visit their trees over the years and stand there with a smile as they recall their efforts for the ecosystem. Help your Scouts prepare for their tree planing project by completing the Tree Planting Patch Program®.
Dog Walking
Scouts can help those in the community who need volunteers to walk their dog. Perhaps they’re physically unable or have time constraints that make daily walking a challenge. Additionally, shelters and training facilities often rely on outside help to care for dogs under their watch. For scouts who love “man’s best friend,” dog walking will seem like no work at all. But the aid they’re providing is essential for the well-being of these four-legged friends who need the exercise and time outside to thrive. Before your scouts are prepped to handle the pups, the Animal Shelter Volunteer Patch Program®’s suggested requirements will unleash the learning.
Bird Feeders
Pair crafting with care, and bird feeders come to mind. Scouts use their artistic and creative skills to build feeders. Once they’re done and the seeds are supplied, they can get out and position them where birds tend to flock for feeding. Seeing the beauty of the birds and watching them get nourished is a gift the guys will cherish. They’ll also be responsible for refilling and cleaning which is an important part of the pet care process. Learn more and see where bird care can take the Cubs with the Bird Welfare Service Patch Program®.

Animal Habitat Service Project
Advocating for the well-being of wildlife and their welfare is a pledge the scouts can take to heart. It takes a special commitment to devote time and energy into the safety, security, and sound environment for these beautiful creatures. Scouts must learn a lot before they even lift a finger. Habitat loss is a real issue affecting these often defenseless creatures, so the Cubs can literally save their lives. By working with nature centers, parks, sanctuaries, zoos, and conservations, the boys can better the lives of the animals. The Animal Habitat Patch Program® is the perfect way for the kids to get involved.
Neighborhood/Beach Clean Up
There’s nothing quite like living in an environment that is fresh and free of debris. For this service project, get the boys on the beach or navigating the neighborhood for a Cub Scout clean up that will leave the community a little cleaner. Their message is making sure we respect our land and the lives of those who live there. The scouts will send the signal to others to refrain from polluting or trashing their territory. It’s a no-brainer that being thoughtful to our surroundings is smart, yet many people still toss trash on the streets.
As the kids clean, they can request the efforts of others in the area to lend a hand and get the job done more efficiently. People will be more inclined to think twice the next time they get rid of garbage where it’s not supposed to go. The Clean Earth and Clean Water Patch Programs® guide younger scouts through awareness and clean up projects. As they progress through the program they will work their way up to pollution prevention and improving the environment.
Scouts Are Ready
Cub Scouts are ready to use their endurance for efficiency. Projects like these allow the boys to better themselves as they service the community. Let’s give them the go-ahead to achieve great things.