This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Suggested Prerequisite
Completing the Fitness Volunteer Patch Program® is a suggested prerequisite for earning your Wellness Advocate Patch. Your volunteer experience will help provide you with the knowledge needed to advocate for improved wellness for the people in your community. You can also opt to complete the Fitness Volunteer Patch Program® requirements during the time you earn this patch.
Requirement 1: Research It!
Things to find out:
- What is physical fitness? Helpful Link: What is physical fitness?
- Why is good nutrition needed for physical fitness? Helpful Link: How Does Nutrition Affect Exercise?
- What is wellness? Helpful Link: What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important?
- What is a habit? Helpful Link: Habits
- How do you change bad habits? Helpful Link: How to Break a Bad Habit and Replace It With a Good One

- What are the 8 dimensions of wellness? Helpful Link: Eight Dimensions of Wellness
Requirement 2: Do It!
Choose a wellness issue to advocate for. Some ideas:
- Advocate for all your family members to get yearly physicals during their birthday month.
- Organize a neighborhood bike ride.
- Advocate for an after school exercise class.
- Start an all-inclusive social club for after school.
- Write a wellness column for your school newspaper with healthy living tips.
- Co-ordinate with a local hospital to arrange for donations of items such as blankets, puzzles and books to make cancer patients more comfortable.

- Make and donate fleece blankets to one of these organizations.
- Start a basketball team for non-jocks.
- Get a group of friends together and join a yoga class.
Who do you want to reach? Some ideas:
- Your Family
- Neighbors
- Politicians — Helpful link: How to Contact Your Elected Officials
- Classmates
- Your Fellow Worshipers
- Other Groups or Organizations
How will you reach them? Helpful link: How to Advocate for Your Cause
Some Ideas:
- Talk to them. Consider wearing a button as a conversation starter.
- Hand out flyers. Consider setting up a booth to collect donations if allowed.
- Hang tags on doors and mail boxes.
- Make posters.
- Reach out with social media such as Facebook.
- Send a press release to your local newspaper or school newspaper. Helpful link: How to write a press release.
Requirement 3: Review It!
Always remember to thank those who helped with your advocacy program.
Ways to say Thank You:
- Personally thank individuals and businesses who helped. A hand written letter is always nice. Helpful Link: How to write a thank you letter.
- Thank the community as a whole with posters.
- Create a follow up press release and include the names of individuals and businesses who participated.
- Thank the community as a whole on social media.
- Give certificates of appreciation.

Discuss Your Advocacy Project
- Do you think your advocacy project helped to promote wellness in your community?
- Will you continue?
- What else can you do to further promote wellness?
Congratulations! You have earned the Wellness Advocate patch. It can be purchased at our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
You can become an Outreach Welfare Advocate by earning all 5 outreach advocate level patches.
Did completing this Patch Program® give you some ideas for becoming a Wellness Delegate?
See all our current Advocate level Patch Program®s:
Related Fun Patch Ideas:
Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.
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