Begin talking to your Daisy Girl Scouts* about what it means for a project or activity to be meaningful, because this will be a big word to them at first. Explain that a meaningful project is something that will last and has an impact. It’s usually not a one time project. We have compiled 5 easy and meaningful Girl Scout Daisy* Activities.
A food drive is a one time project. A food bank is meaningful and lasts. Many times these types of projects go hand in hand: a food bank would not be meaningful if people didn’t have food drives to keep it stocked.
Any of the first 3 activities below can be used for the Take Action project for the 3 Cheers for Animals JOURNEY*. They are meaningful and may require upkeep from time to time.
Here are 5 Meaningful Activities Your Daisy Girl Scouts* Will Love:
1. Provide Birds with Nest Supplies
Ask your scouts to bring in a clean sneaker that they no longer use or have grown out of. Purchase a skein of yarn for each girl. The girls can practice their scissor skills by cutting pieces of the yarn. Then have the girls over-stuff the shoe with yarn scraps–don’t worry if there are scraps hanging over the sides. Scouts can place the shoe in their yard or get permission from a zoo or bird sanctuary for placement.
Most likely the girls will have extra yarn. They should check their shoes after placement and fill with yarn scraps, as needed.
This craft projects will get your girls thinking about what a bird needs to build a nest and might inspire them to continue to advocate for birds and earn the Bird Sanctuary Volunteer Service Patch when they are a little older.
2. Feed the Birds
Grab some pipe cleaners and Cheerios. You may want to prep this meeting by putting a handful of cheerios into individual baggies for the girls. Girls should thread the cheerios onto the pipe cleaners and then twist the pipe cleaner together to form a circle. Hang the feeders on tree branches at home or your meeting place and refill as necessary.
If some cheerios remain, then the girls can eat as a snack, but don’t forget to watch for nut allergens with some Cheerios flavors!
Do you often find that activities for your meetings take too long? Not this one! And by doing this project, you will have completed the “Do It” requirement for Youth Squad®’s Feeding the Birds Service Patch Program.
3. Make a Bird Bath
This activity will take a little pre-planning for you as the leader. Involve their families in the planning process by collecting empty one-gallon milk containers and cutting the top portion of the container off, leaving the bottom with a 2” height. If parents forget, be sure to bring some scissors and extra gallon containers to your meeting. Your Daisies* can use patio paint for the lower half at your meeting to decorate with beautiful colors to attract the birds. This project can be left outside and should be filled with 1” of water for the birds.
This simple bird bath craft may inspire your girls to work with a bird sanctuary to create bird baths to donate while earning the Bird Sanctuary Volunteer Service Patch when they are a little older.

4. Build a Mini Garden
Have some old soup cans? Why not use them to build a mini garden as the girls start their Daisy Flower Garden JOURNEY*? First, be sure the cans do not have sharp edges. Leaders, you can prep the sides of the can by using sandpaper and follow up with a spray paint primer on the cans. Be sure to put some holes in the bottom for drainage. Finally, the girls can use patio paint to adorn the pots for their garden. Decide as a troop what should be planted.
One of the requirements for Youth Squad®’s Gardening Service Patch is to participate in a gardening project, so this is a perfect way for girls to earn another patch along while working on their JOURNEY*!
5. Make Watering Cans
Now that the Daisies* have planted their gardens, why not make watering cans? Have the girls families collect empty one-gallon milk containers. The containers should have the screw on caps, not the pop tops, for this activity. Leader should use a drill to poke hole in the cap of the milk jug for water to flow when poured. Don’t have a drill? A push pin and some muscle works as well!
The scouts can decorate their watering cans with patio paint. Discuss reusing and repurposing the milk container with your troop. Finishing this project also completes a requirement for Youth Squad®’s Reduce Reuse Service Patch.
Crafting with Daisies* can be so much more than making another foam frame. Challenge your girls with meaningful projects. They’ll be excited to try new things and their parents will be happy with less clutter!
* and MakingFriends®.com are not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.