This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Download this coloring page for younger achievers.
Use it as an optional requirement for young children to do before the meeting begins.
Requirement 1: Learn It!
When you’re hungry it’s hard to concentrate. You don’t have the energy you need to pay attention and be active. Many people don’t have enough food to eat.
Many communities have food banks, also called food pantries, where donated food is available. Sometimes the options may not be the healthiest choices. Sugary cereals, starchy pastas and sodium packed soups often fill the shelves. While these items will fill an empty stomach they lack the nutrients needed for a balanced diet.
Requirement 2: See It!
Visit a local food bank. Helpful Link: Find Food Pantries
Print out the donation list to review with a volunteer to find out what items you should be collecting.
Things to ask about:
- Is there enough food for everyone who needs it?
- What are some items you especially need?
Requirement 3: Do It!
Think about the food bank you visited.
Participate in a healthy food drive project. Here are some ideas:
- Participate in a healthy food drive.
- Collect items from your home to donate.
- Set up a table outside your local supermarket to ask for healthy food donations.

Requirement 4: Review It!
Download the optional review sheet for younger achievers.
Discussion Points:
- Do you consider your healthy food drive a success?
- Would you do it again?
- What would you do different next time?
Why do you think people need better food options?
- Do they know the right kinds of food to eat?
- Do they have enough money to buy healthy food?
Congratulations! You have earned the Healthy Food Drive patch. It can be purchased at our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Does this give you some ideas for earning the Feeding the Hungry patch?
See all our current Friend level Patch Program®s:
Reduce Reuse
Shore Clean Up
Clean Up
Related Fun Patch Ideas:
Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.
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