This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Download this worksheet about reusable items for younger achievers.
Use it as an optional requirement for young children to do before the meeting begins.
Requirement 1: Learn It!
Some items can’t be recycled and will take hundreds of years to decompose. Items like Styrofoam will probably never break down. It’s better not to even purchase items that come in Styrofoam. Usually there are other options.
Think about the how items are packaged. So many of the thing we buy have too much packaging. In fact, many products have packaging that cost more then the product. Whenever possible choose items with less packaging — like ice cream. Order yours in a cone instead of a cup.
Food scraps such as eggs shells and banana peels can’t be recycled but they decompose quickly and can be reused to make compost. Compost is rich in nutrients. It’s added to soil to help plants grow.
Although fabric can be recycled, it makes more sense to reuse clothes that are in good condition by donating or passing these items on to others. Many places that accept donations use the money they make to help people in need.
Many items can be used by turning them into other things. Tee shirts can become totes. Sweaters can become hats and gloves.
Requirement 2: See It!
Visit a Habitat Restore, a Salvation Army store or a local thrift shop.
Things to Look For:
- What kind of items are there?
- Can they still be used?
- Are people making purchases?
- What do you notice about packaging?

Requirement 3: Do It!
Think about the things you throw away at home.
Participate in a reduce or reuse project. Here are some ideas:
- Start a kitchen compost jar.
- Take a lunch to school in reusable containers.
- Sort through your toys, clean them up and donate the ones you don’t use.
- Same with your clothes. Pass items you don’t wear onto someone who can use them.
- Stop drinking juice boxes and bottled or canned drinks. Instead use a reusable container and make it your responsibility to clean it every time you use it.

- Make your old tee shirts into tote bags for the family. Helpful Links: Recycled Tank Top, Recycled Tee Shirt
Requirement 4: Review It!
Download the optional review sheet for younger achievers.
Discussion Points:
- Do you consider your reduce/reuse project a success?
- Would you do more things to reduce and reuse?
- What kind of things?
Why do you think people throw out things that can be reduced or reused?
- Are they too lazy?
- Do they know about reducing and reusing?
- Do you think they know that throwing things away is bad for the earth?
Congratulations! You have earned the Reduce Reuse patch. It can be purchased at our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Did completing this Patch Program® give you some ideas for earning the Conservation Supporter patch?
See all our current Friend level Patch Program®s:
Reduce Reuse
Shore Clean Up
Clean Up
Related Fun Patch Ideas:
Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.
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