This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Download this coloring page about clean water for younger achievers.
Use it as an optional requirement for young children to do before the meeting begins.
Requirement 1: Learn It!
A waterway is a river or canal that flows into larger body of water such as a lake or ocean. Take a look at your area on a map and locate the waterways.
This map will even show you which way the water flows. Where does your local waterway end? If it merges with another river, continue tracing it until it reaches a large body of water. If a plastic bag ends up in your waterway where do you think it will end up?
Watch this video to find out more about the garbage in the ocean.
Litter is ugly, but it is also dangerous. Birds and fish can get caught in plastic bags and nets. They also end up eating the tiny bits of plastic that break up over the years.
Requirement 2: See It!
Visit your local waterway. Take a look around. You might consider taking a hike and enjoying the scenery.
Things to Look For:
- What kind of plants and animals do you see?
- What kind of plants and animals might be there that you don’t see?
- Is there any litter?
- If there is litter, what supplies would you need to clean it up?

Requirement 3: Do It!
Think about the waterway you visited. Does it need to be cleaned up?
Participate in a waterway clean up project. Here are some ideas:
- Cleanup around the waterway that you visited.
- Choose of different body of water to cleanup such as a stream, a beach or a lake.
- Participate in an organized waterway clean up. Helpful Links: National River Cleanup, Coastal Cleanup

Requirement 4: Review It!
Download the optional review sheet for younger achievers.
Discussion Points:
Why do you think there was litter near your waterway?
- Were there enough trash cans?
- Were they emptied often?
- Were there recycling bins?
- Did you see anything else that could be improved by your waterway?
Congratulations you have earned the Waterway Cleanup patch! The patch can be purchased from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Does this give you some ideas for earning the Sea Life Protector patch?
See all our current Friend level Patch Program®s:
Reduce Reuse
Shore Clean Up
Clean Up
Related Fun Patch Ideas:
Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.