This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Suggested Prerequisite
Completing the School Supply Drive Patch Program® is a suggested prerequisite for earning your Education Volunteer Patch. Your experience will help provide you with the knowledge you’ll need to participate in an education volunteer project. You can also opt to complete the School Supply Drive requirements during the time you earn this patch.
Meeting Download
Download this word search to learn why education is important.
Requirement 1: Research It!
It is estimated that 14% of the adults in the United States cannot read or write. Many others lack a level of proficiency to hold down a job or handle their household needs.
Children who have difficulty learning to read and write will probably continue to have difficulty with it throughout their lives. Reading to kids early on can help to boost literacy rates over the long term. An estimated 77% of children who are read to are more likely to read or attempt to read on their own, versus 57% of kids who don’t have regular story time at home.
When reading to kids, it’s important that they think it’s fun. When anyone enjoys something they are more likely to try harder at getting better and stick with it longer. Watch the video below.
Discussion points:
- Did the kids enjoy being read to?
- Why do you think they enjoyed it so much?
- B.J. Novak is the author and he is also reading the book in the video. Why do you think he chose to write a book with no pictures?
Requirement 2: See It!
Visit a library, bookstore, day care or classroom during reading hour.
Things to find out:
- Why was the book chosen to read aloud?
- Where can you get information about other books to read aloud?
- Is there any volunteer help needed in the library, bookstore, day care or classroom?
Requirement 3: Do It!
Participate in a education volunteer service project. Here are some ideas:
- Become a virtual tutor for kids who have fallen behind.
- Volunteer Match has thousands of opportunities to be an education volunteer. Choose one and jump in.
- Become a reading partner with a shut-in neighbor.
- Volunteer to tutor after school.
- Become your little brother’s or sister’s homework helper.
- Help an immigrant learn English.
- Volunteer to read at story hour at your library.
- Teach a senior family member how to use a tablet.

- Volunteer to help with homework in an aftercare program.
- Volunteer for a book drive.
Requirement 4: Review It!
Discussion Points:
- Do you think your project was a success?
- Would you do it again?
- How could you improve on it?
Congratulations! You have earned the Education Volunteer patch. It can be purchased at our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Did working on this Patch Program® give you some ideas for earning the Education Advocate patch?
See all our current Volunteer level Patch Program®s:
Conservation Supporter
Recycling Volunteer
Shore Improvement
Tree Planting
Pollution Prevention
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Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.