This patch and all program supplies are available from our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Suggested Group Activity
Make “America Let’s Do Lunch” empowerment tray favors to support mental wellness with positive messages. Place on Meals on Wheels trays to show seniors they are important and noticed!
Suggested Prerequisite
Completing the Crafting for Service Patch Program® is a suggested prerequisite for earning your Companion Patch. Your experience will help provide you with the knowledge you’ll need to be a companion to people who are sad or lonely. You can also opt to complete the Crafting for Service requirements during the time you earn this patch.
Meeting Download
Download this word search to learn about wellbeing.
Requirement 1: Research It!
Watch this video to learn about loneliness
Requirement 2: See It!
If possible, take a trip to a local hospital, assisted living center, senior center or Veterans hospital. If you can’t take a trip, do your research by phone or email.
Things to find out:
- Are they in need of volunteers to spend time with the patients or residents?
- What can you do with them? Go for walks? Read? Play Games? Do arts and crafts?
- Are their age restrictions suitable for you/your group?
- Is the location suitable for commuting from your location?
- Is this on-going or one-time?
- Can you commit to the needs?
- Are there specific dates/times that will work for you/your group?
Requirement 3: Do It!
Participate in a companion service project. Here are some ideas:
- Set up a regular time when you can call or message a senior or other person who has limited contact with other people.
- Become a penpal with a military person.
- Volunteer to spend time with the residents or patients at the location you visited.
- Volunteer at a different location.
- Dress up like a clown or superhero and visit a children’s hospital.
- Adopt a Grandparent.
- Video tape a senior telling you their life story.
- Do chair exercises with seniors.

- Befriend a special needs student at school.
- Take people with mobility issues for walks.
- Ask a senior to teach to to knit or crochet. Make them something.
- Volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Take your pet for regular visits to an assisted living center.
Requirement 4: Review It!
Discussion Points:
- Do you think your project was a success?
- Would you do it again?
- How could you improve on it?
Congratulations! You have earned the Companion patch. It can be purchased at our partner site MakingFriends®.com.
Did working on this Patch Program® give you some ideas for earning the Wellbeing Advocate patch?
See all our current Volunteer level Patch Program®s:
Conservation Supporter
Recycling Volunteer
Shore Improvement
Tree Planting
Pollution Prevention
Related Fun Patch Ideas
Note: Many of the links provided to assist with completing our Patch Program®s are external and do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. At the time of publication, external content was vetted to the best of our ability. Your views and ideas may vary and we do not intend for you to substitute our opinions for yours. Research the topic thoroughly before beginning a project. As always, make sure children access the internet only under safe-surfing conditions.